Enhanced Data Security Using 5x5 Hill Cipher with Modular 53
Enhanced Data Security Using 5x5 Hill Cipher with Modular 53
This research presents an optimized approach to the Hill Cipher encryption and decryption algorithm using a 5x5 matrix and modular 53 arithmetic. The traditional Hill Cipher, a well-known symmetric key algorithm, typically utilizes smaller matrices and modular arithmetic, which may not provide sufficient security for contemporary applications. By expanding the key matrix to a 5x5 structure and adopting a larger modulus of 53, the complexity and security of the cipher are significantly enhanced. The study details the methodology for constructing and implementing the 5x5 key matrix, as well as the processes for encryption and decryption under the modular 53 system. The computational efficiency and security improvements achieved through this optimization are analyzed. Comparative assessments with the conventional Hill Cipher demonstrate that the enhanced approach offers superior resistance against cryptographic attacks while maintaining manageable computational requirements. The results of this research indicate that the proposed optimized Hill Cipher can serve as a robust encryption method suitable for securing sensitive data in various modern applications. This study contributes to the field of cryptography by providing a more secure and efficient variant of the classical Hill Cipher algorithm
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