Author Guidelines

Detailed author guidelines can be accessed here 

Guide to submitting articles can be clicked here

Title written in Times New Roman 24pt font (max 12 words). The title must be clear, straightforward, short and informative, representing the content of the article, maximum 12 words, 24pt font size, bold and each word starts with a capital letter except conjunctions.

Abstract [Times New Roman 9]
The contents of the abstract must include a summary containing the background, research objectives, methods, findings and main conclusions of the writing. Abstract writing in Indonesian is written aligned left and right, after the abstract in English, with one space and one column. The word "Abstract" as the title is written in Times New Roman 9 point font, bold, left aligned, the first letter is in capital letters. Abstract text is written in Times New Roman 9 point font, single spaced, maximum 4000 words. After the Indonesian abstract, write down the keywords for the manuscript, 5 to 6 words/phrases. Then it continues with the main text of the manuscript.

Keywords are written in 5 - 6 words/phrases which are a subset of the manuscript title and separated by commas between words/phrases.

Manuscript Structure
The manuscript is written with structure; 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion, 5. Acknowledgments (optional) and 6. List of references.
The INTRODUCTION section discusses a problem as well as the urgency and rationalization of research activities. The problem statement is presented in this section along with its justification. The aims and benefits of the research are presented in the last paragraph of the introduction. It is best to review similar research that has been published in scientific journals that are used as reference sources.

Research methodology
This section explains the data, research stages and flow, approach, activity design, scope or object, main materials and tools, place, data collection techniques, operational definitions of research variables, and analysis techniques. The research flow is made in the form of a flowchart or similar diagram that is easy for readers to understand and the letters are clearly legible. Explain the detailed stages of the research carried out, data sources, data processing processes and the results to be obtained. The methodology must be in line with the research discussion and the research results obtained.

Script Length
The manuscript is written on A4 paper size with a minimum of 6 pages including the bibliography, a maximum of 12 pages including tables and figures, 6pt spacing between paragraphs and referring to the writing procedures as prepared in this paper.

Results and Discussion
The series of research results are arranged based on a logical sequence/arrangement to form a story. The content shows facts/data and does not discuss the results. Can use tables and pictures but not describe the same data repeatedly in the form of pictures, tables or text.
This discussion section should be written clearly and concisely. The discussion section explains the results of data processing, interprets findings logically, links them to other research or relevant reference sources. State the advantages and uniqueness of this research compared to other research. The structure of writing results must be in accordance with the research method, so that each step in the method provides results and discussion

It is recommended to use Mendeley/Zotero tools for referral management. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference list must be referenced/referenced in the manuscript. Minimum 15 main and current references (last 5 years). Written in 8pt font size and using the IEEE citation method.