Sistem Otomatis Putaran Kipas Angin Berdasarkan Suhu Ruang Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATmega32 Berbasis Android

  • Aggry Saputra Teknik Informatika
  • Rio Ari Prasetio Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Indonesia Tanjungpinang
Kata Kunci: LM35 Sensor, ATmega32


In designing this automatic system, the research methodology used is the data collection method and the development method. The data collection method consisted of literature study and experiment. For the development method, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) development method is used which includes the requirements planning, process and design, implementation stages. Automatic Fan Rotation System Based on Room Temperature Using an Android-based AtMega 32 Microcontroller implemented based on a needs analysis using the Borland Delphi 7 programming language as a desktop-based monitoring application, Arduino as a microcontroller programming language and Eclipse to create Android applications.
