Perancangan Aplikasi It Help Desk Menggunakan Platform Node.Js Pada Mittasys

  • Dwi Nurul Huda author
  • Aggry Saputra Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Indonesia Tanjungpinang
  • Yulinda Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Indonesia Tanjungpinang
Kata Kunci: Compliants, help desk, Microsoft SQL Server, Node.js, Questions


Mittasys is a company engaged in programming services. The company have not had a system that is able to handle the company's relationship with customers. In after-sales service, the company has not been able to maximize service of customer complaints or questions.Based on the existing problems, the authors built a help desk software web application. This web application uses waterfall as a method of development. The design of this application uses Node.js platform and uses a Microsoft SQL Server as a database. From the results of software design, it is expected to help the company in handling every customer who needs so as to improve service and produce accuracy in finding the data needed.
