Sistem Perhitungan Waktu Rental Studio Musik Berbasis Arduino Menggunakan Validasi RFID
Technological advancement in the era of globalization is now increasingly rapid. One example of the development of technology is the computer, which is an electronic device to manipulate data that is fast and precise and designed and organized so as to automatically receive and save the input data, process it and generate output using a program stored in computer memory. A microcontroller is a computer sistem that is all or mostly packaged in a single chip IC. Therefore, microcontrollers are often referred to as single microcomputer chips. Microcontrollers are usually grouped into a single family that has a variant. Each microcontroller variant has different characteristics according to its use, but still supporting each other in programming (compatible). Each variant has a difference in the capacity of RAM memory as a container of processed data and flash memory PEROM as a container for program or instruction codes. Microcontrollers are arranged in a single chip where the processor, memory, and I/O are integrated into a single control sistem so that the microcontroller can be said as a mini-computer that can work innovatively according to the needs of the sistem. This sistem is designed using RFID module as member/user validation to facilitate user and music studio keeper, and Arduino Uno as control center. When the user will do a music studio rental then the user must have a RFID card, and if the rental time will be discharged the notification light will die indicating the rental time has expired, if the user still has the time remaining then the user can do storage time rental.
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