Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Berbasis Web Pada PT. Bumi Sentosa

  • Ni Nyoman Emang Smrti STMIK Bandung Bali
  • I Putu Gd Sukenada Andisana STMIK Bandung Bali
  • Ibnu Atho'illah STMIK Bandung Bali
  • I Gede Arya Purusa Dhana STMIK Bandung Bali
  • I Gusti Ngurah Ary Widiatmika STMIK Bandung Bali
  • Dadan Abdullah STMIK Bandung Bali
  • Nuni Diyah Ansori STMIK Bandung Bali
  • I Nyoman Trisna Wijaya Giri STMIK Bandung Bali
Keywords: recording, performance, calculation, reward


Human Resources in the company is a very valuable asset. Without employees the company will not run. In order to achieve the company's vision and mission, all important components of the company must be managed carefully. Good management of human resources and giving rewards to employees will increase enthusiasm for work so that the company will grow even better. Determination of rewards in the company requires a good record and a definite assessment pattern so as to produce accurate numbers so that justice can be felt by employees.

In order to facilitate the calculation of rewards and documentation of calculation results, a web-based system was created to calculate the performance of human resources based on case studies at company PT. Bumi Sentosa specifically in the service department.

How to Cite
Ni Nyoman Emang Smrti, Andisana, I. P. G. S., Atho’illah, I., Dhana, I. G. A. P., Widiatmika, I. G. N. A., Abdullah, D., Ansori, N. D., & Giri, I. N. T. W. (2022). Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Berbasis Web Pada PT. Bumi Sentosa . Jurnal Bangkit Indonesia, 11(1), 56-61.